National Museum Of Beirut – Other Artifacts

Gold Mask, Baalbek, Roman Period

As I begin writing about the artifacts contained in the National Museum of Beirut, my enthusiasm carries me away and there ends up being too many favorites to fit into just one post.  So, I have divided the five original subheadings into separate posts.… Read the rest

National Museum of Beirut – Jewelry

Pectoral (top) – gold and semi-precious stones, Byblos, 18th Century BC.
Pectoral (bottom) – gold

As I begin writing about the artifacts contained in the National Museum of Beirut, my enthusiasm carries me away and there ends up being too many favorites to fit into just one post.… Read the rest

National Museum of Beirut – Sarcophagi

National Museum of Beirut

This fabulous museum is hidden behind construction work as I approach with my luggage.  It’s my last stop in Beirut before I have to leave and it’s most definitely a must see.

I work my way around the museum, starting on the entrance level, followed by the basement exhibits and leaving the first floor until last. … Read the rest

Jeita Grotto and Harissa

Lower Grotto – photo from the Ministry of Tourism brochure of Jeita Grotto

My tour is booked and I wake up early in anticipation, earlier than I would wish given how busy the week has been.  I am ready in the lobby on the dot of 8am for my 8-8:30am pick up. … Read the rest

Uplistsikhe & Gori

The 9th Century chapel at Uplistsikhe

Uplistsikhe, literally the ‘lord’s fortress’ is a cave town – an ancient city built into the rocks, just outside of Gori around 90 minutes drive from Tbilisi.  The drive is quiet and I admire the mountain scenery, picking Sergo’s tour guide brain about all the best places to visit and things to see. … Read the rest

Museums & Monasteries

The Svetitskhoveli Cathedral

My first destination this afternoon after exploring some More of Tbilisi is the Museum of Fine Arts.  Unfortunately it looks like it’s closed.  I check out the Kashueti St George Church briefly and then the Lado Gudiashvilli Art Gallery, giving the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia a miss although there are some cool book topped bollards out the front.… Read the rest