September Staycation 

September Staycation

A September Staycation was deemed in order after a month’s worth of weekends spent celebrating a string of birthdays.  Plus, the weather is feeling almost bearable again after another long, hot, Dubai summer.

My husband and I take ourselves off to Le Meridian Mina Seyahi.  All… Read the rest

Les Bains du Castel

Les Bains du Castel

Jason has spotted Les Bains du Castel on a morning walk and has surprised me with a booking for this evening. The stunning location is enough to set it aside as special occasion dining. We have already experienced a fair share of wonderful dining over the last couple of weeks during or Côte d’Azur holiday.… Read the rest

West Side Story

Ready for the show

West Side Story

This April, we’re back at Dubai Opera for West Side Story. This rare touring production featuring Jerome Robbins’ original choreography has thrilled audiences since 2003. It has played on three continents and been enjoyed by more than three million people in 28 countries.… Read the rest



Zuma, one of the most famous brunches in Dubai. Founded by chef Rainer Becker in Rome in 2002, the chain now has its headquarters in London with locations around the world. ‘Chain’ certainly conjures the wrong image of this upmarket brand which has clearly earned its fine dining reputation.… Read the rest

Murrumbateman Escape

Murrumbateman Escape

A romantic escape to Murrumbateman is exactly what we need to get our spark back. Situated in the heart of Canberra’s cool country wine region, Murrumbateman is a short 30 minute drive from the Capital. Wining, dining and a little country New South Wales charm are most certainly on the cards.… Read the rest

Bellavista Valentine’s

Bellavista Valentine’s

Valentines’ Day has arrived again and we head to the Marina for a Bellavista Valentine’s. We dress up and head out for a night together. I left it very late to make a dinner booking for Valentine’s Day. I’m very glad however to have found somewhere to celebrate the occasion.… Read the rest

Dukes Dubai

Dukes Dubai

Dukes Dubai. In the midst of this ongoing pandemic, we need an escape. Dukes, The Palm perfectly fits the bill.

Homeschooling for months, desks crammed into bedrooms, work calls with the cat lying on the keyboard and the vacuum cleaner droning in the background and summer get always cancelled.… Read the rest

Tivoli Gardens

The Star Flyer

Contrary to most amusement parks these days, Tivoli Gardens is both an amusement park and magical adventure wonderland.  In fact, it is described as an amusement park and pleasure garden.  And that it is.

Tivoli Gardens Main Entrance
Excitement barely contained

Originally opened in August 1843, Tivoli is a fairytale wonderland fun fair.… Read the rest