It’s time for some Marina cruising. My Uncle & Aunt are visiting from Australia on their Fly By Dubai visit. They’re heading home after a month long whirlwind tour of Europe and have only three days to explore all Dubai has to offer.… Read the rest
Travel, life, loves and laughs.
It’s time for some Marina cruising. My Uncle & Aunt are visiting from Australia on their Fly By Dubai visit. They’re heading home after a month long whirlwind tour of Europe and have only three days to explore all Dubai has to offer.… Read the rest
And here we go! Again. A little week long interlude for mid term break has seen us escaping from Dubai on the Costa Diadema. We are in for some R&R. Actually, I will be working and there is some concern over the current COVID-19 pandemic but, here we are.… Read the rest
And here we go! Again. A little week long interlude for mid term break has seen us escaping from Dubai to go cruising again on the Costa Diadema. Some R&R is in order. Actually, I will be working and there is some concern over the current COVID-19 pandemic but, here we are, decision made and ready to cruise again.… Read the rest
And here we go! Again. A little week long interlude for mid term break has seen us escaping from Dubai on the Costa Diadema for some R&R. Actuall, will be working and there is some concern over the current COVID-19 pandemic but, here we are, decision made and ready to cruise again.… Read the rest
And here we go! Again. A little week long interlude for mid term break has seen us escaping from Dubai on the Costa Diadema for some R&R. Actually, I will be working and there is some concern over the current COVID-19 pandemic but, here we are, decision made and ready to go cruising Dubai again.… Read the rest
The Royal Palace of La Almudaina sits comfortably elevated above the Parc, owning her sweeping views of the marina, although very much dominated by the imposing Cathedral. Perhaps this is why I mistook the entrance at first glance, slightly hidden, somewhat undistinguished and distracted for having to dodge those photographing themselves with the more striking of the two facades in the background.… Read the rest
Far from La Dolce Far Niete, the art of doing nothing, today we head out on a Dubai Marina Yacht Club rally to the World Islands. We have a line up of things to do!
We arrive at the Marina around 8:30am and Candida nearly has the boat ready.… Read the rest
By far the best way to see a city is to walk it. Particularly the compact old towns of Europe. Not everyone has the ability, stamina or perhaps enthusiasm for this endeavor, walking from dawn till dusk (and often into the night as well).… Read the rest
By far the best way to see a city is to walk it. Particularly the compact old towns of Europe. Today I’m walking the Zürichsee. Not everyone has the ability, stamina or perhaps enthusiasm for this endeavor, walking from dawn till dusk (and often into the night as well). … Read the rest
I board the boat for Rapperswil with an expectation of a lake Zürich cruise and the vague promise of a Schloss (castle) at the end. It’s not like me. Usually I have my days planned to the ‘n’th degree but, apart from today being an unexpected bonus, I think I’m mellowing a little in my holiday expectations.… Read the rest