Ladies In Red

Ladies In Red

It is Nour’s birthday and Melissa has been at it again, organizing us for a night of celebrations. Tonight we head back to Asia Asia and in celebration of love and friendship we are ladies in red. It doesn’t matter whether we have had a crazy day or a boring one, what brings us together is a sense of adventure and excitement, plus, it’s good for our health (the studies say!).… Read the rest

The Penguin

The Penguin

Another perfect Dubai winter’s day.  Twenty eight degrees Celsius and clear skies.  Top top it all off, we have an invitation for The Penguin.

The Penguin herself

We’ve been out on The Penguin before, however, today is special as we are farewelling our hosts and will be sad to see them leave.… Read the rest


Crazy pumpkin doughnuts and coffin cakes

It’s Halloween.  The kids are excited and the ghosts and ghouls are out.  Despite the popularity of Halloween these days a couple of things strike me as rather ironic tonight.

Firstly, the fact that most people don’t even really know what Halloween is.… Read the rest