I almost missed a stroll down this famous boulevard Champs Élysées when I was recently in Paris. It was only a short trip and I had my two boys in tow (3yrs & 6yrs), not exactly how I dreamed of promenading around the city of love.… Read the rest
Travel, life, loves and laughs.
I almost missed a stroll down this famous boulevard Champs Élysées when I was recently in Paris. It was only a short trip and I had my two boys in tow (3yrs & 6yrs), not exactly how I dreamed of promenading around the city of love.… Read the rest
The Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile (Triumphal Arch of the Star) is a must see in Paris. Even if you don’t climb the 284 steps to the top, strolling up the Champs-Élysées as the 50 meter high French Revolutionary and Napoleonic War memorial comes into ever greater focus is memorable. … Read the rest
The Latin Quarter in Paris is an area that takes in parts of the 5th and 6th Arrondissements on the Left Bank. It is home to several higher learning entities, including the Sorbonne (the University of Paris), as well as lively bistros, shopping and of course the Pantheon.… Read the rest
La Tour Eiffel
Sigh!! My first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower (La Tour Eiffel) in Pairs. We arrived in Paris yesterday and had an early night last night in anticipation of getting to the Eiffel Tower early this morning. It’s a bit of a Metro ride but we’ve made it. … Read the rest
Our 10am booking for the Eurostar to Paris was a sensible choice. We are staying with Claire in the 15th Arrondissement and as I rise to my 6:30am alarm and rouse the boys from the cartoon channel, which has likely been on for a while already, I’m resigned to a long day ahead. … Read the rest