Royal Beach

Royal Beach (photo

When the sea breeze awakens the taste buds a visit to Royal Beach is in order. Royal Beach is a private beach and restaurant affiliated with the Hotel Royal Antibes.

After our morning walk around Phare de la Garoupe, we now sit in the light sea breeze, with our seaside table facing Cap d’Antibes, overlooking the Bay of Ilette.… Read the rest

Antibes: First Impressions

Antibes: First Impressions

19 July: France, Summer Day One: Travel & Antibes.


Up early for our flight to Nice this morning.  Check in and airport at Dubai is generally easy and soon we’re breakfasting in the lounge. Still working towards leave, Jason & I send out last minute emails before boarding and I download my memos and bits to complete and review during the flight.… Read the rest