Happy Holi


The Hindu festival of colors, Holi, is a spring harvest festival celebrating the triumph of good over evil. It can also symbolize love, forgiveness and new life.

Today we head to Holi at the Greens Community in Dubai. Although I know that officially Holi doesn’t kick off until the full moon (likely Wednesday of the coming week) the celebrations start early here today.… Read the rest

Ladies In Red

Ladies In Red

It is Nour’s birthday and Melissa has been at it again, organizing us for a night of celebrations. Tonight we head back to Asia Asia and in celebration of love and friendship we are ladies in red. It doesn’t matter whether we have had a crazy day or a boring one, what brings us together is a sense of adventure and excitement, plus, it’s good for our health (the studies say!).… Read the rest

Andalucia’s Supermums Uncensored

Andalucia’s Supermums Uncensored

Andalucia’s Supermums – There used to be times when I could remember what 17 was like, the fun, the friends, the freedom. Those days are few and far between now. Tonight, however, I feel 17 again.

Our super organized supermum host Melissa has once again scouted for the most suitable location with the best deal for us for our ladies night.… Read the rest

Celebrating Manal

Celebrating Manal

It’s easy to forget those born in December and January, or indeed any other busy time of the year when individual birthdays may rank second to larger and more public, religious or commercial events – Christmas, Easter, Eid, Chinese New Year, Thanksgiving, Halloween and the like.… Read the rest

The Penguin

The Penguin

Another perfect Dubai winter’s day.  Twenty eight degrees Celsius and clear skies.  Top top it all off, we have an invitation for The Penguin.

The Penguin herself

We’ve been out on The Penguin before, however, today is special as we are farewelling our hosts and will be sad to see them leave.… Read the rest

Antarctica, World Islands

Dubai Skyline

Far from La Dolce Far Niete, the art of doing nothing, today we head out on a Dubai Marina Yacht Club rally to the World Islands.  We have a line up of things to do!

JBR Skyline, morning

We arrive at the Marina around 8:30am and Candida nearly has the boat ready.… Read the rest