The Grand Picnic

The Grand Picnic

Dubai loves cars and in general, the standard for cars here is very high. So it is completely Dubai to host The Grand Picnic in Safa Park dedicated to all special, classic and vintage cars. But today it’s as much about the glorious winter weather and the promise of a picnic that draws us to Safa Park. The cars are an added bonus and I admit, they do make the atmosphere rather delightful.

It is very busy. With over one thousand cars registered for the event, the line up files slowly into the park. Unfortunately our Jeep doesn’t make the cut and we have to find a carpark in the nearby streets and walk back. Once we are on the lawns with all the cars though, we are quickly swept up in the spirit of the day. And once Jason tells the boys that we can pick one each, the hunt is definitely on!

Sonia’s Selection

I love a classic car, if only I could have a driver as part of the package! It doesn’t take long for me to visualise myself in the (preferably) passenger’s seat, scarf streaming out behind me, ambling along the Amalfi Coast or through the Scottish Highlands in one of these.

Porsche in the Highlands

The vintage Porsche (see above) is the first one that really catches my eye. Sleek and shiny with a classic profile this is my pick for a weekend at my Castle in the Scottish Highlands. I’m thinking tartan blankets and wicker baskets with a corgi or two riding in the back seat. They’ll be ready for the bracing walk we’ll take after lunch and it will nearly be dark by the time we return, just in time for dinner and a scotch by the fire before bedtime.

MG Along the Amalfi


Next is the MG. I entered a raffle when I was about 20 and it was the first time I had seen an MG. I still remember it, parked in the shopping centre as I filled out the ticket details. Ever since then I have dreamed of getting about in a vintage MG in British Racing Green.

This is definitely a car for lazy summer drives along the Amalfi Coast. Stopping in a little local restaurant with red & white table cloths and views over to Capri. Lingering over pizza and pasta for lunch, washed down with a bottle of Prosecco. Taking that giddiness to somewhere secluded and climbing down the steep, rocky path to the beach for a dip in the sea. Watching the azure Mediterranean grow to midnight blue as we follow the winding road back home, salty and smiling, with the sun setting behind us.

Classy in New York

This classic number is for a spot of weekend shopping in New York. Late Autumn when the color of the leaves are a rainbow of gold through to burgundy, definitely well before Winter’s bite really settles in. I meander along 5th Avenue, popping bags from Bloomingdales, Bergdorf Goodman and Tiffany’s in the back before heading somewhere late afternoon for a sundowner and then changing for a show and late dinner.

Alas, I’m not the only one with fantasies today.

My weekend pick


Jason is a Mustang man and he quickly hones in on the one for him. He dreams of a “man’s car”, something with “grunt” and this one certainly looks like it would fit the bill.


Plus the stripes make it look pretty sporty to boot. I don’t think he cares where he’s driving it, as long as there’s a chance of a long, deserted road to try out how fast it can go.


Like his father, Jasper wants to go fast and this Ferrari 488 Challenge EVO is just the sporting ideal for him – fast, sleek and modern.

Ferrari says of this car that it’s an “evolution of performance and driving pleasure. Built on the foundation established by the 488 Challenge, the 488 Challenge EVO takes performance and driving pleasure to the next level with an array of refinements to aerodynamics, handling, and controls. The result is a more confident, consistent, and usable machine on the track.”


In true Harley style he has gone for perhaps the most expensive, most flashy and possibly the fastest of the lot – the gold Lamborghini. This one passed us on the way in and it certainly has glitz and glam on its side.

He likes the futuristic aspect, plus, well it’s gold and a Lamborghini. What’s not to like for a nine year old boy.

It’s definitely an image thing and Harley can visualise the whole ideal. I hope he can visualise the hard work and responsibility it will take to get him there too!

Some of the Rest

His & Hers

These two beautiful cars would make a lovely ‘his and hers’ pair. I’m not sure which one I would choose as ‘hers’, perhaps they could be interchangeable (or both reserved as hers!).

Classic Picnic

This family has taken The Grand Picnic experience to a whole new level. Dressed to match the era of their beautiful vehicle they have unpacked their picnic and board games for a proper day out.

Red Lamborghini

Lamborghini or Lotus? They’re both pretty impressive cars. Both red, both fast and flashy. Still, when parked side by side the differences really are more pronounced that when they whizz past you along Sheikh Zayed Road. I think I’ll take the Lamborghini thanks.

Red Lotus

Apart from the fast, furious, classic and classy there are also an array of really unusual and interesting vehicles that we don’t generally see around town. Three-wheeled motorbikes and old fashioned Ford pick ups are just a couple of the examples.

A funky number
Hot Wheels!

Once we’re through the cars, we play in the park for a while enjoying the sunshine. We contemplate getting something to eat. There are many outlets here serving everything from coffee as pastries to chips, burgers, pizza and poke bowls.

The lines are a bit long, however, and we decide to head off. Along the way a six year old’s dream, a real Hot Wheels car. Imagine being driven to Kindy in this one!

Good To Know

Entry to The Grand Picnic if free for both cars and people but get here early as it is busy and popular. It takes us at least 30 minutes to get through the traffic and find a car park.

For those entering their cars, pre-registration is required online and although one thousand cars sounds like a lot, I believe the allocation of entries was exhausted this year.

Would I Return?

Yes. The Grand Picnic is a lovely relaxed day out and allows my dreams to take flight. Perhaps next time I’ll actually pack a picnic…


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