Expo 2020: UAE, Egypt and the USA

UAE Pavillion

Exploring Expo 2020 is like discovering another world. A world filled with innovation, education, peace, harmony, delight and wonder. A place to discover possibilities for sustainability, mobility and opportunity. The best of us and our world in one place.


The UAE Pavilion is to be experienced both inside and outside. As part of the queueing process, we are issued a ticket and invited to await our number discovering the garden or resting in the shaded areas set up as a majilis. On entering the exhibit we are greeted by a desert landscape made of sand from all seven Emirates.

Sands of the Emirates

The dunes reflect on the history of the Emiratis as a nomadic people living in the desert and later by the sea trading pearls. The desert slowly gives way to a glass city that emerges from the sand and we are introduced to the diversity of the Emirates populations along a corridor leading to a large circular theatre. The theatre shows a short animated film that also depicts the history of the Emirates through the tribes and unification to the innovative nation that it is today. After the film there is time to read more about certain industries in the main hall before departing.


Egypt is presented as a series of videos within a gallery exploring Egypt’s past, present and future ambitions. The gallery also contains exhibits of ancient artifacts including the Coffin of Psamtik and an immersive 3D ‘time travel’ experience.

Egypt’ s Exhibition

Upstairs is further information about Egypt’s industries, innovations and tourism. Tours exit through a gift shop.


Ethiopia is a land of agriculture, driven largely by hydropower and known through the world as the birthplace of coffee. Other crops include legumes, oilseeds, sugarcane and vegetables. With a population of circa 117 million, around 85% of its labour force is employed by the agriculture industry.



A small exhibition that cannot possibly encompass the beauty of such a rich nation and culture in such a small room.


Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is a small country of around 8 million on Africa’s West Coast. The majority of the population are employed in subsistence agriculture and the exhibit reflects the strong ties of the people to their land. Rich in minerals, Sierra Leone is also known for its mining trade, particularly diamonds.


The Palestine pavilion is built to reflect the feeling of walking its streets among some of the most recognisable icons. The entrance is shaped with the dome of many of the buildings, including the bazaars and the pavement was imported especially from Palestine to give a sense of walking through the holy city of Jerusalem.




The USA pavilion begins with a welcome speech before we step on to a travelator. This is a clever way to smooth the flow of foot traffic through the exhibits. The first section depicts the history of the country from the time of white inhabitation with a focus on freedom and the country’s ideals. The next room is a short history of inventions and achievements while the three room experience is focussed on the idea that freedom creates opportunity for all. After stepping off the travelator we enter a room in which space is explored and where the sky is no longer the limit (8 min loop).

USA Stars & Stripes

Afterwards there is a replica of one of the Mars Opportunity rover that spent 14 years exploring the surface of the planet. Outside in the courtyard is the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket which conducts a ‘blast off’ every evening. During the day the space ship serves as a spectacular canopy for the pavilion’s dining area.

USA’s Rocket

DP World

DP World

An impressive and well thought out pavillion. Dubai Ports (DP) exhibits centre around connectivity and the main themes of the expo – mobility, sustainability and opportunity. These are presented in the context of DP World’s role as a leader in global supply chain solutions.

We get a glimpse into the mind boggling statistics of global logistics and port container handling. Exhibits help us understand where our goods come from and end up. And we get a sneak peek at what might be in store for the future of the worlds cargo services.


The Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC) Pavillion focuses on energy in the most positive sense. As we await entry, there are kinetic seats to sit on. Once inside, we are welcomed to discover all the ways that energy is used. Our city of Dubai represents the use of energy all over the world. The digital age is not lost. We are invited to send our energy up an obelisk to be combined with the rest of the group’s. Finally we reflect on energy and its current and future source and use.

ENOC’s Energy Obelisk


India takes us on a tour of its country by theme. We enter to a world of projections and achievements. This are depicts themes from India’s space program to yoga, its own worldwide wellness phenomenon. Exhibits are dedicated to India’s various corporate sectors: pharmaceutical; technology; and production; as well as its cultural and historic heritage.


Good To Know

Tickets for Expo 2020 are available online or at the gate. The site is easily accessible by car, taxi, bus or metro.

There are many food outlets throughout the site that celebrate a world of flavours. Try Mama’esh (Palestine Pavilion) or any of the Eat at Expo street food sites.

Wear comfortable shoes and be prepared to que for the larger, more popular pavilions.

Would I Return?


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