It’s easy to get the spooks around Dubai on Halloween. A right festival is currently underway in the city.
The decorations in our neighbourhood begin in earnest at least a week beforehand although retail promotes things at least a month in advance. In previous years we have celebrated Halloween with friends around Jumeirah Park, by ourselves in The Meadows and one year, going all out at Zero Gravity. I admit that I have given up on the history lesson since then and have learned to roll with the fun side of things a little more.

The Montgomerie
This year, we warmed up on Friday night with a family affair at the Address Montgomerie. I love the fact that it is not only acceptable but anticipated that the entire driving range is closed to host the event.

Our decision to attend is made late in the day so it is particularly impressive that Harley is able to produce 10 origami ‘Wolverine’ claws in quick succession for the occasion. In the meantime, I dig out the face paint and improvise some quick art to suit. The evening is a success as we walk over to discover rides, decorations, competitions and costumes amid food and drink outlets all sprawling over the driving range with the JBR skyline lit up by sunset in the distance.

The next day, we consider our own decorations and Jasper does a reconnaissance around the neighbourhood in advance, plotting out the decorated houses ripe for doling out treats. The next day I rush to finish work and race home to get costumes reconstructed before the main event.

The Meadows
Harley’s friend Mauryan joins us and before I am ready, the boys have disappeared. I catch up with them a little later and they have already very nearly completed their loop of the dozen or so houses open to doorknockers in our street. I join them for a few more.

The decorations denote where we knock and really, some of the ingenuity is quite impressive. There is a lot of the standard ghosts and ghouls; seemingly endless spider’s webs to be tangled in; and a spattering of black cats (although I always think they get a bad wrap). But there are some that go beyond the decorative to the downright disturbing like hexes in light fittings and people stuck in pavements…

One house has gone all out with a veritable gauntlet of spiderwebs. They cover the path such that only the smallest of trick or treaters can get to the front door without ducking for fear of being strangled by the silky threads. As I watch smoke covers the path and the children squeal with delight at the neighborhood fun.

There is a wonderful community feel as we walk around. Neighbours that have never met before wave as we pass and stop for a chat. Children skip along from door to door at the prospect of another treat or two.

The Haul
Offerings are compared and traded, very serious business on a night filled with such fun. And it’s clear that chocolates, gummy bears, peanut butter cups and anything sour are the hits of the night. I note this for next year’s shopping list. After a good hour and a half wandering the streets from house to house it’s time to head home. The haul is impressive. I promise the boys that they can select a couple to enjoy after dinner, knowing that they are likely to keep them going on the treat front until at least Christmas! Spooky indeed.

Good To Know
Before you venture out to door knock for Halloween, be sure of a few things:
- Know your neighbourhood – be sure you know where your children are at all times. Younger children should be supervised and older children should be given appropriate parameters and a curfew.
- Be polite – some people will go all out with decorations and costumes, others will have a few treats only to humor the children and avoid any nasty tricks. Remember to be polite at all times and keeps the tricks humorous not vicious.
- Be safe – these days it’s best to give and safer to receive packaged treats. If you don’t want your children to eat items from strangers, work on a barter system. They swap out their treats at the end of the night for something that you have bought or made; and that you are happier with them consuming.
- Respect the undecorated – if a house shows no indication of being in the spooky spirit, it’s best to leave them be.
- Get in the spirit – if you’re going to door knock for treats, put some effort in. Dress up (yes, adults too). It doesn’t have to be an expensive store bought costume. Face paints are cheap and readily available and the internet has plenty of DIY ideas if you plan ahead. It’s also a good idea to leave someone at home with a bowl of treats in order to repay the favor.
- Have fun – after all, once you remove the history lesson that what it’s all about!

Would I Return?
Yes. Dubai has lots of Halloween events to choose from. Though whilst the children are still excited about it, the dressing up and neighbourhood door knocking is really about as good as it gets.