Love Lakes

Love Lakes, image: Google Earth

Only in Dubai could you imagine heart shaped lakes and then create them. The Love Lakes, located near the Al Qudra lakes and Bab Al Shams Resort & Spa, are just that.

Getting There

In need of a break from the hustle and bustle, we have the Love Lakes as our destination this afternoon. We bundle the kids, some water, snacks and ourselves into the car and drive. It is only about 40 minutes from Dubai but once we arrive, we feel like we are a world away.

The signs to Al Qudra Lakes is easy enough to spot. We turn off at the end of Al Qudra Road (D63) and find the Al Qudra lakes entrance. The lakes are easy enough to spot once we are there. However, we end up doin a few loops before giving in to Google Maps. The GPS is more reliable than the signage. We eventually arrive and park the car. HavIng brought a drone and scooters along, we are disappointed to find that neither are allowed, according to the signs. So, we head out on foot with the boys skipping along to take a look for ourselves.

Gateway to the Love Lakes

The Love Lakes

At the entrance gate we realise there is something rather special going on here. Intertwined carved love hearts greet us. The path from the car park to the lake is sandy and tree lined. Once we find the lakes though we are out in the open, pleasantly surprised by the modern rubberised walking track and grass lined banks down to the water where giant koi swim.

The four of us

The boys take off along the track and Jason and I happily meader along. It is a bit windy and not altogether warm today. But the walk is pleasant. There are enough different benches, sculptures and installations to keep us interested in reaching the next one.

Love seat

Jason has been thinking ahead and popped a couple of packets of mini smarties into his pocket on the way. We make a game of it. The smarties work as prizes and motivation as we reach milestones along the way. A carved heart, a love seat and art installations; smarties are doled out as the boys race to check the next milestone along the way.

The first milestone is a love seat. Once they have photographic evidence, Jason hands over smarties as rewards. This keeps them going for ages with plenty of instagram worthy props and poses along the way.

Harley love

The Love Lakes are so large they can be viewed from space (note Google Maps!). If we were walking at a face pace without stopping we could probably complete the circuit in about 30 minutes. As it is, we are taking our time and enjoying the scenery like many others. There are parents with prams; little ones running on the padded surface; couples; and older folk taking a stroll in the late afternoon. Many families are picnicking. We even spot a family on a photo shoot.

Jason, Jasper, myself & Harley
Insta worthy props and backgrounds


We achieve some sprints and a good number of photos before we come to a walkway which leads across to the centre. At the junction of the walkway, koi swim breaking the surface repeatedly with mouths, fins and tails. Koi, or more formally nishikigoi, are literally ‘brocaded carp’. The fish were made popular in Japan in the early 19th Century for their colors and patterns. Today, people keep these fish for decoration in ponds and water gardens. Likewise here they add a certain interest to the lakes though I am not, myself, a fan of the fish.

Lake crossing

The Mound

After the excitement of the fish – I do admit to eliciting a little squeal as one virtually pops out of the water – we walk up the mound or hill. There are steps up to the top and it feels almost sacred. Certainly in China, mounds tend to be the location of altars or temples. There is a flag pole and more props and art installations. But it is also relatively quiet, most people are talking in hushed tones. Perhaps, like me, they are rather awed by the views across the desert. It does provide an elevated platform for excellent views over the lakes and towards the desert and the sunset.

Jason & the boys

A family photo in the big heart and some more quick snaps. I pause for a moment to take in the view and just breathe. We have arrived here just as the sun is beginning to set. The light takes on a beautiful glow that reflects off the desert all around us.

Family photo fun
Jasper & I

We realise that it is not long now until it will be dark. It is certainly time to get going. Some families look like they have just settled in with their picnics for the evening. However, we did not bring any dinner and the boys are getting hungry. After all the activity and excitement of the afternoon, who can blame them?

Art installations

On the way back around the remaining side of the southernmost heart we find people with their phone torches on. The are painting the pavement with light! A special light absorbing paint coats the pavement. We create our own fade-able graffiti! I must say, it is a bit of a thrill. And the boys would stay here all night if we let them. We do spend more time than intended creating our images. But in the end we insist on leaving their pavement Among Us characters behind. It is time to seek out the car.

Good To Know

The Love Lakes are best reached by 4WD/SUV as the road out to the lakes is not sealed. It can be bumpy and/or sandy.

There are no facilities at the lakes. It is advisable to take water and a snack or two if you do not plan a picnic. Bathroom facilities are near to the car park (so be warned!). Also note which car park you are in as it can be a long and sandy walk in between.

Swimming is not allowed in the lake, in fact, no one is allowed in the water. Although ‘love’ is spelled by the trees there is little shade around the walking track. Be sure to bring hats and wear sunscreen.

There are also no lights here when it gets dark. Bring a flashlight (or a phone light), especially for navigating back to the car.

Would I Return?

Yes. This is a pleasant spot for afternoon walk. Aim to finish your walk and stay to watch the sunset. Bring some friends or family along and spend some quality time outdoor. Or just to snap an insta worthy shot or two.

Among Us on the pavement

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