Andalucia’s Supermums Uncensored

Andalucia’s Supermums Uncensored

Andalucia’s Supermums – There used to be times when I could remember what 17 was like, the fun, the friends, the freedom. Those days are few and far between now. Tonight, however, I feel 17 again.

Our super organized supermum host Melissa has once again scouted for the most suitable location with the best deal for us for our ladies night. Tonight we’re gathered to celebrate Irena’s birthday. The official date was last week but while she spent her special day letting the kids blow out her candles. Tonight she gets them all to herself.

Manal, Irena, Dina and Heidi

We arrive and gather together. Once again some of us enjoying the distraction from work, family obligations and children, some just happy for a chance to dress up and go out. Drinks arrive and the ‘hellos’ and catch ups are covered with many kisses all round – one, two, three? I always forget but there are definitely enough for everyone.

Christine, Soha, May, Dina and Heidi

A while later the food arrives. Another thing I love about these nights out. No one asks what you want or if you’re hungry. I have browsed the menu but when I glance over and see a few perfectly coiffed heads huddled together with a waiter I know they’re looking after everyone. At this time of year when it’s cold outside and I crave warmth and closeness, my soul feels nurtured by this group. As we sit and eat together – nachos with freshly made guacamole, quinoa salad, sizzling garlic prawns, crispy calamari, tacos and slices of quesadilla there is a sense of ease of belonging.

The Supermum Squad

There’s nothing quite like this support network. As we eat and chat there’s nothing heavy, conversation is light and easy, jokes and giggles abound. Yet I know, deep down, that if it came to it, there is no one I would want at my back more than this group of funny, friendly and fierce (only if necessary!) ladies.

Melissa, Sonia, Rawan and Dima

The dancing begins in earnest as the three piece band takes to the stage above the bar. Andalucia is a Latino and Spanish bar and eatery. We are working our way through a selection of their signature cocktails (both virgin and the real deal) and the tapas has been excellent. Now the Latin music swells and the vibes are escalated to something that moves out bodies. It’s hard to sit still. This is more than toe tapping – this is hip swaying, passionate and expressive – the singers bust out their salsa moves and all of us on our impromptu dance floor follow suit.

Nisreen, Dolly, Manal, Christine, Melissa and Dima

After a set, the band takes a break and the DJ fills the gap with some La Isla Bonita. As the band returns they break out into a round of “happy birthday” and Irena’s cake arrives with sparklers to match her wonderfully sparkly dress and shoes. I hope her birthday wish comes true as she blows out her candles. Celebrating your own birthday and blowing out your own candles isn’t always a given when you’re a busy mum. Neither is getting your birthday wish!

Rawan, Irena (the birthday girl) and Dina

Irena also opens her gift and card – a beautiful Swarovski key pendant and chain. There is a round of birthday hugs and kisses as Irena dons her sparkling gift. The band takes up again and the music grabs hold of us once more as the singer starts us in a conga line to Lambada, we pretty much dance the night away.

Another round of hugs and kisses as I leave with Christine. It is well after midnight and I briefly wonder how I’m going to make it to my networking function tomorrow morning. For now, it’s home time.

Heidi, Irena, Ilona and Alexandra

Melissa puts my thoughts into words with her note in Irena’s birthday card “[t]he ultimate key to happiness is loving who you are and being loved by a good group of friends”. Thank you ladies, for always sharing your friendship, showing your love and spreading your kindness. You spend your lives enriching the lives of those around you – your families and friends – tonight, we are blessed to have a little time to enrich our own and each other’s live and I am truly grateful for that.

As morning dawns the next day and my boys come in, waking me up for one reason or another, I think of us all, getting up to get children to school, go to work or take care of household chores. I know how fortunate I am in this life to have friends like you who are supportive and who understand each other. However, this morning at least, I don’t feel 17 anymore!

Heidi, May, Salam, Dina and Dolly

Would I Return?

Yes. Andalusia is a great venue, chosen especially for our group. Melissa scouted other options but this won out with its menu, a great bar and a fabulous band. Even better still, ladies nights on Tuesdays serves up 30% off the food menu and you’ll receive 5 drink tokens on arrival.

Thanks Melissa!

Oh, and check out some of the other Supermum Squad antics:

Heidi, Soha, Dina, May, Salam, Sonia, Melissa, Dima, Rawan and Irena
Nisreen, Dima and Irena

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