Far from La Dolce Far Niete, the art of doing nothing, today we head out on a Dubai Marina Yacht Club rally to the World Islands. We have a line up of things to do!

We arrive at the Marina around 8:30am and Candida nearly has the boat ready. We load up, board and we’re off, pausing of Blue Water Islands to wait for the rally to begin at 9:30am. It’s punctual this morning and we’re on our way nice and quickly.

It’s a spectacular morning on the Persian Gulf and the sun sparkles on the water. We’re all looking forward to the day out in the cooler weather with the salt air in our lungs and the wind in our hair. It’s a little more bumpy than usual on the way out.

We arrive, moor and the marina boat and the usual crowd of friendly staff help us onto the island.

We head over to the water sports immediately. There are kayaks, paddle boards and later there is some yoga scheduled. Given the wind, Jason is warned that he should be a confident sailor to take the little sail boat out. He’s got that one sorted and he takes Jasper out for a run.

Harley selects a kayak and we try it out. It’s pretty hard going with the wind against us and while I have tried this before I’m not exactly an expert. I paddle us out expending much energy and the wind blows us back in no time. We try the paddle board with the same results except this time we land around the corner a way and I have to drag the board back.
Meanwhile Jason and Jasper are back from their sail, both with great big grins across their faces. ‘Oh dear’, I think to myself, here we go!

Candida gives the kayak a go as well with great results. She runs rings around us struggling slightly on the paddle board and also comes back with a big grin. “I think I might buy a kayak” she announces with a smile and a sparkle in her eye.

After the mornings’ excitement we’re all a bit hungry and lay out our picnic for lunch. Candida has grilled chicken and there’s an assortment of salads, bread and some fantastic pesto stuffed olives. We have cheese for later (which I always forget to put out).
After lunch the boys take off to the beach volleyball game set up a little way away. We all end up having a go with mixed results. I return to the shade tent after a couple of games, quite proud of a couple of shots, happy to quit while I’m ahead.
I pour a drink and lay back on my towel, I alternately chat and dig with Harley as I’m given strict instructions on where and how to dig and scrape. The beach volleyball keeps Jasper going for the rest of the afternoon.

Jason spots a fleet of catamarans coming in. It turns out to be from the Jebel Ali sailing club that he used to sail with, they’ve come up from the club this morning, leaving the boats near here for a race next weekend. His face is lit up and I can see the passion in his eyes. He loves this stuff. I wander down to have a look.

Not long after this the wind has picked up enough to have blown one shade sail down and unhinges ours too. We pack up and decide to make our way back to Lady Pinto and we’re sailing through the World Islands exit close to the scheduled 4pm departure time anyway.

There are some kite surfers having a field day in the wind. They’re incredibly good. They’re jumping as high as some of the boats and it looks like so much fun. Alas, I know I don’t have the strength for activity like that but I imagine it must feel incredible flying along like that. Perhaps not so incredible if you happen to crash.

The ride back is bumpy but the wind is at our backs and we all stick to the aft of the boat this time. The air is so clear today that we have fantastic views of the whole Dubai coastline. The Burj Khalifa and downtown look impressive in the distance.

As we move along the coastline, the Burj Al Arab comes into sight and we round the top of The Palm and The Atlantis is visible. Coming back into JBR, we have great views of the new Dubai Eye (not yet open) and the JBR skyline and the Marina always looks great in the evening light as the lights come on.

The boys are excited to clean the boat but they’re a bit tired and it’s not long before tears ensue. We say our goodbyes as Candida kindly assumes full responsibility for the final clean up.
It’s been an action packed day, we’ve had a great line up of things to do and have had a really fun time. I think a passion for the hobie lifestyle may have been reunited as well.
Would I Return?
Yes. A great day out for family and friends.

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