
The cake #cupncakesdubai_adult

We had about 70 people at our wedding.  I’m not sure how you muster that many people for a birthday party, but somehow our lovely diva Dina has.

Melissa (co-organizer), Hamish (Melissa’s hubby) & I are the first to arrive.  Melissa wants to get here early enough to ensure that all is organized and running smoothly.  After a few checks and minor adjustments on arrival, she appears relatively satisfied that all is well, including ensuring that the valet parking attendants know where to go!

The set up – ready to party

The backyard, in a superb location on the late in Springs 5, looks incredible.  Even more so with JBR and the lights of the Marina as a backdrop.  Dina’s husband, has spent all day setting up by the looks of things.  Chairs & tables all laid out, lights shining, mood music playing and a fully stocked bar ready to go.

The birthday cake has just been delivered and we get a sneak peek.  Also incredible!  I have spent a whole day before making the likes of a soccer ball or Ninja Turtle.  This is a whole wardrobe full of miniature Chanel & YSL handbags, baby pairs of Manolo Blahniks & Jimmy Choos lined up and probably tiny Balenciaga and Chloe creations on the racks.  A miniature Dina (print) stands perfectly posed in her dream wardrobe world.  What a cake!

Myself, Dina & Melissa

The birthday girl appears looking even more glamorous than such a cake might make you imagine.  We take turns to wish her a happy birthday and then take a seat outside to await more guests as the bar and wait staff set out nibble and ensure the final touches.

As the first lot of guests arrive (apart from us), a cold rosé is poured and we ‘cheers’, raising our glasses to the birthday girl and beginning to mingle.  I know a lot of the guests myself, a gathering of some of the most beautiful people, and it’s so nice to have the time to stop and hold a proper conversation.

Birthday girl, Dina with Ayman

The conversation is peppered by new arrivals and some fairly frequent photo shoots as everyone wishes to capture these special moments.  Then the entertainment begins and we are treated to a live singer, with a mix of pop and Arabic songs.  The dancing begins.

The girls – Dima, Salam, Ekaterina, Melissa, Nivine, Ghiwa, Manal & Dolly

The singer performs a couple of sets as the guests continue to arrive and the party warms up, just as the days’ heat begins to cool a little.  It’s the perfect Dubai autumn evening and the afternoon breeze has given way to a calm and gentle puff of wind every now and then.

Nour & Sura

I’m starting to feel a little peckish and as if they have heard my thoughts, the waiters arrive with trays of delicious morsels.  Little Arabic chicken sandwiches, mini burgers, shawarma and vine leaves.  It’s delicious and I probably have one or two more than I should.

As I’m settling in post dinner, the next lot of entertainment begins.  This time it’s a belly dancer.  Usually I would think this slightly odd for a lady’s birthday celebration but as the music comes on again and she begins to perform, she has the whole party up and watching.

Belly dancers, Salam, Ghiwa, Heba and Soha (with the pro)

I’m completely mesmerized as she dances.  I have no idea how her body is able to move like that and I’m not the only one that apprears mesmerized.  It’s not only her dancing either, she is particularly attractive.  She conjures us all up for a dance and there are a few willing and a few more reluctant participlants.  I have a go and try (futilely) to keep up.

Celebrating with friends

We all dance for a while and I move to the unfamiliar words and beat.  The music is mostly Egyptian but it feels good to be out dancing, even if I don’t understand the words.  There are my friends and we’ve all let our hair down tonight.

Dima & Dina
Dina & friends

As we tire and move towards the bar to make a selection, the belly dancer appears again, for another set, having changed costume and all.  She revives the once retired dance crowd and we have another go, alternately watching and dancing.  Not absolutely everyone is dancing, there are a few conversations scattered around the bar tables.  I take a short break to sit and chat with friends, take in the view and sip my drink.

Party time – Ekaterina & Ghiwa

Then the music dies down and the extraordinary cake appears, along with the extraordinary birthday girl.  I look around at the people that are here to celebrate with her tonight and it’s clear that she makes a big impact on people’s lives, with this many here to wish her well tonight.  Dina looks like she’s having a wonderful time and she is gracious as always as we sing happy birthday, accepting our best wishes as well as a gift from a group of ‘the girls’ (you know who you are).

Dima & Abdullah

Dina has had her eye on a special pair of (real sized!) shoes and we hope this will help her fulfill her birthday wish.

After more photos, the cake is cut and shared around.  Delicate vanilla cake with a layer of cream and jam filling.  It’s melt in the mouth good and I resist the temptation for a second slice.

The dancing queens, Heidi & Kiko

A third set of the belly dancer begins and there is a more lulled sense of celebration now.  Despite the sugar rush from the cake and the fact that I’m having a wonderful time, I’m starting to fade.

Sonia, Dina & Dolly

I check the time and it’s 1am.  As we have a final dance and begin to say our goodbyes I realize how tired I am.  Melissa & Hamish have ordered an Uber and offer to drop me back home.  On the drive back I realize just how instrumental Melissa has been to the night, ensuring the food was served on time, helping to coordinate the entertainment and ensuring the the cake came out and was served before people started to leave.  It all seemed to have gone like clockwork to me, however, I know this is Melissa’s gift.

As I climb into bed, I realize how sore my feet are from dancing.  What a wonderful feeling!  Sore feet and dancing fatigue.


A few days later, Dina is out choosing her gift.  We get pictures as it looks like her birthday wish might have come true after all.  I hope you enjoy dancing in them Dina, as much as I enjoyed celebrating with you.

Lovely lady, lovely shoes

Would I Return?

Yes.  If I’m lucky enough.

Birthday wishes

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