Flåm has the greenest of greens. The bluest of blues. The whitest of whites. The horizon closes in, jagged against the most expansive of skies. The clouds drift in between, not willing to take sides.
There is a breathtaking beauty in nature that slips the mind when living in the city. A freedom from intellect, reason or judgement overwhelms as I take in the sweeping fjord before me. Slowly, little houses begin to appear in the dawn light. They somehow sit just on top of the expanse of nature, like snow that may melt away when the season is over.
We drift along and Flåm comes gradually into focus. A tiny town at the very end of the vast fjord.

We are standing on the balcony of our cabin watching the world go by and in my awe I and excitement I almost forget to wish mum a happy birthday. Back inside the cabin there are hugs and presents but afterwards we hurry to get ready and get to breakfast.
We step off the ship and are in Flåm at once. We purchase tickets for a fjord cruise and, later in the day, a train journey. Before the cruise is scheduled to depart we take a walk. Up, up, up the hill at the end of the Aurlandsfjord. As we walk higher up the track I feel like I am barely able to absorb the impossible beauty of this place. Like telling me something that I cannot quite comprehend, my eyes see the views, the enchanting picture, yet somehow my mind cannot quite grasp this striking scenery.

The world drops away, just like it is supposed to during those most joyous of times – holidays. All that matters is the clean air, clear water, sun, grass and space. I think about how often now my eyes are required to adjust to the distance. It is almost frightening how little this occurs.

At the top of the hill I fight the urge to step over the fence and meander through the field, lie down with my mind unburdened and my face to the sun, eyes filled with light. If I had a few days here I would. But for now I try to force the scene into my memory and all too soon we turn and walk back down the hill. There is more awaiting to amaze.
We board a bus in Flåm, just behind the comparatively large tourist centre for such a small town. The bus takes us disappearing into the approximately 11.5km Gudvanga Tunnel to the little village of Gudvangen (place of the gods) where our small cruise departs taking us to explore the Fjords. We spend two hours drifting silently along the Nærøyfjord and the Aurlandsfjord, both offshoots of the larger Sognefjord back to Flåm. This area is a UNESCO World Heritage area and it is truly breathtaking. Soaring mountains, cascading waterfalls, little villages and a hundred different shades of green.

After the Fjords cruise we disembark back in Flåm and go back to the big ship for lunch. It’s close by and easily accessible and we are able to pick up Jasper, who has spent the morning at the kids’ club, to join us for our afternoon train ride.
The afternoon consists of another 2 hour journey, this time exploring the Flåmsbana. The Flåmsbana refers to the 20km rail line between Flåm and Myrdal, touted as one of the most picturesque train rides in the world.

It certainly is breathtaking, equally as much as the fjords. The scenery as we pass mountain villages, rivers and valleys is spectacular. We see the Myrdalsberget, a road with 21 hairpin turns originally built in 1893 and the Kjosfossen waterfall with the surprising Huldra performance.
As we arrive back in Flåm there is a little time left before we have to be back on board. We explore the large souvenir shop and pick up a magnet, collected for our fridge to remind us of holidays, even once we are home again.
Perhaps of more interest after a day of sitting is the small park behind the town’s hotel where the boys jump and play, running off the pent up energy of the 2 hour train ride.

We jump over rocks, there is a game of tag and a tussle at the playground. I look around and enjoy the last of the scenery, still marveling at the green and just how beautiful it is to be here in this moment.

Thankfully as we board the ship again I know that we are not quite done yet. Tomorrow is Bergen and more spectacular fjord views to look forward to.
Would I Return?
Yes. I most certainly hope to one day.

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