Stormy Weather

Its not often you see a storm in Dubai. Given that it hasn’t rained here since March this is a special sight indeed.  Pity that it’s on a day that we’ve come to Kite Beach.

We’ve just come for a bit of a play. I have brought the boys’ togs with me, just in case. It’s a bit brisk to swim but they’ll play and inevitably get wet.  Sure enough, when we arrive our littlest friend, Kenny, is sitting happily in the lapping water eating the wet sand. He looks up and grins.

My boys are big enough now to play in the shallows without the need to helicopter over them so my friend, Diana, and I have a chance to chat and catch up. It’s quiet here and there are only a few people in the water and they are certainly not locals.

I keep glancing at the sky. It’s dark all around us and it’s clearly raining over downtown. It’s held off all morning though so we’ve been pretty lucky so far.

The children play oblivious and after a while have snacks and drinks.  Then they’re starting to get cold and Di & I are ready for a coffee so we pack up our beach toys and head up to the strip.

Diana orders a very authentic looking Turkish coffee. It’s delicious but way too strong for me and I opt for a karak tea (spiced sweet tea).

We don’t exactly get to sit down and relax. Kenny is wandering around exploring and my boys are kicking balls, riding scooters and running all over the place. I play some football with them, losing of course. It always has to be a competition.

Finally the rain rolls in. We’re about 5 minute walk from the car. The boys take off on their scooters, complaining about getting wet. “You’re still in you’re togs!” I exclaim, exasperated. “But I’m cold!” they whine. Time to go anyway, despite the rain, I conclude.

Jasper slips over in the wet and hurts himself.  The rain comes down. Everyone around is ducking for cover. I’m getting wet but I’m certain it won’t last long.  I jog along the wet track, the boys scootering along in front of me.  It’s barely gotten started and it’s already starting to ease.

Sure enough, 5 minutes later we’re back at the car which is now filthy. It’s stopped raining but the sky is still threatening.  I get the boys changed into their dry clothes and pack up the car.

As we drive home the road is dry – it hasn’t even stretched a few blocks from the beach.  An hour later it’s sunny again and you wouldn’t even know there had been a storm.  Except that my car is still filthy.

Would I Return?

Yes. Kite Beach is a great family day out (in any weather!).

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