Omega Dubai Ladies Classic

Ripe Organic Markets Pop-Up

The Ripe Organic Markets popped up at the Omega Dubai Ladies Classic this weekend at Emirates Golf Club.  In truth it is a bit of an accident that we ended up here.  My husband is playing golf (again) although not at this club and I had been on the look out for some local Christmas markets to take the kids to – partly to get us out of the house and partly so that we could get in for the all important Santa visit this year.

In my Friday morning child infused confusion, I mixed up the market timings (and possibly the actual markets too) and we ended up here.  And a good thing too!  I can see the marquees and advertising as we drive in.  There are people directing the traffic but no signs or information as to what’s on or where to go.  “We’re just going to have a look” I warn, concerned that, if it turns out to be no good, I’ll be the one accused of breaking the promises.

Chilling in front of the big screen

We park the car and I can see at least one sign – and it’s an important one – “Free Registration Here”.  Okay, so it’s ticketed but we can get in and it seems it’s free which is a bonus, especially in Dubai.  I provide email and phone details and we’re aditted.  We walk past one of the greens and there are lots of officials standing around and I can see carts and caddies up the fairway.  No actual golfers in sight.  Perhaps they’re just lost amongst the crowd.

We continue on and come to one of the official stands.  I enquire about entry but we need a sponsor for this one with a view of the fairway so I ask where the markets might be.  A little further on and I hear a cheer from the boys – they’ve spotted the bouncy castle.  “Let’s have a look first” I warn, not wanting to promise too much before I know we can get in.

Jumping castle and seed planting

“Is Scott Hend playing?” my seven year old asks.  He watched Scott during the recent Race to Dubai tournament.  “No, this is a ladies tournament” I respond.  “Oh”.  We pause for long enough to check out the score board.  They have all teed off and Anne Van Dam is in the lead with a -12.  Impressive.

Of much more interest, however, is the bouncy castle so we go off to investigate.  There are no further barriers to entry so I let them loose.  In seconds they’re gone.  I wander over to a stand and pick up a magazine, then settle into a bean bag in front of the big screen.  From here I can watch the live feed as well as keep an eye on the boys.  I might as well have some fun too!

Festive craft – remind you of anyone?

The boys have a wonderful time bouncing and doing some festive coloring in.  There’s a giant basketball hoop and blow up ball and my oldest is playing with a new friend, scoring goals that bounce down onto my youngest’s head causing giggling fits all round.

I wander around the markets and check out the offerings – organic seasonal fruit and veg, smoothies, home decor, fashion and a variety of gifts.

Would-be festive craft

After an hour or so they have drained their water bottles and it’s lunch time.  I wander over to check out the various food vans that are lined up.  Some very tempting smells waft over me and I have a choice between the usual suspects  – burgers, fish & chips, hot dogs and the more exotic offerings such as Mexican, tacos, Indian and crepes.

Lunch offerings

They devour their burgers & fries, after all, it’s nearly 3pm.  I opt for a falafel partha wrap which isn’t anything special unfortunately.  I wander briefly what it was that had smelled so good earlier.

After lunch we take a bit more of a look around.  There are some more stalls offering everything from golf clothes and equipment to tailor made shirts and beauty treatments.  There are also some golf competitions. We have a go trying to pitch some balls through holes in a board. We don’t do too well. We’re a little better at the ‘hole in none’ game and the boys ‘win’ a hat each, only because they were so excited about it, I’m guessing. They spend some time on the rock climbing wall and we head over to a short putt-putt course sponsored by JA Resorts & Hotels.  My mind wanders off to poolside cocktails for a moment.

Rock climbing against a JBR back drop

We manage to golf and climb the rest of the afternoon away.  I do get to watch some of the days play on the big screen while they are entertained but unfortunately nothing live.  I’m not complaining at all – it’s been a great afternoon. We’ve been out in the fresh air, had some games, activities and a picnic, of sorts. The boys are tired but happy and I know that we’ll all sleep well tonight.

We still haven’t seen Santa though.  I guess he’s too busy for golf at this time of year!

Would I Return

Yes.  Emirates Golf Course is a beautiful course in a location very convenient to us.   They have a championship course, restaurants and bars, conference facilities and events.

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