Zero Gravity

Zero Gravity

Zero Gravity.  I’d heard the words before, heard about Dubai brunches, the partying and excesses of the well-to-do generation of Dubai inhabitants that live for the weekend.  Nothing has really prepared me for this.

My husband has asked me here on a date.  Usually we do dinner without the kids, somewhere new or comfortable, just the two of us.  Not very often, but it gives us a pause in our daily lives to catch up and reconnect.  A couple of hours without work, house, children, phones and other distractions.  Something that we, perhaps, need a bit more of.  Once in a while we might see a movie or go just go for a drink.  Sometimes I like to dress up and go somewhere a bit special.  Today was different.

We arrive in a taxi (zero tolerance for drinking & driving in Dubai) and there is already a line out the front worthy of any 1 am Saturday pub crawl crown in Fortitude Valley.  The line grows considerably as we wait to enter and as we near the front of the queue, we overhear that the day beds and sun lounges are already fully occupied.  Undeterred we walk through and find a table.  I remove my dress, apply sunscreen and we join the bikini and board-short clad crowd, heading to the pool for a dip, before, I am told, it fills up too much.

We’re almost the only ones in the pool and I hang over the edge.  The view back to a packed JBR is pretty spectacular and there, as is here, the beach is crowded on this fine autumn(!) afternoon.  Finally the summer heat has passed and we can actually be outside, faces in the sun, toes in the sand and water cool on our skin.

Date Day

I float for a bit and watch the people flow in.  There is a birthday party, groups of girls that are dressed the same which is perhaps a hen’s afternoon (or perhaps not).  There are groups of girls and guys together and separate groups eyeing each other off.  Couples tend to be on the periphery, this is more of a day time night club experience than anything else.  The music is pumping and there are queues for food and drinks, although it all moves fairly quickly.

Cool down dip done I wander round the buffet and try to decide what to eat.  If anything is going to slow one down at a buffet it is, perhaps, attending in your togs.

I have a delicious raspberry margarita and my husband tries the tropical flavor with our lunch of sushi and salads.

Beach in full swing

After lunch we grab another drink, this time a gin & tonic and head to the beach to claim a spot and sit in the shallows, sipping our drinks and watching the show.  There are all types, many of whom are taking selfies, photos of friends, more selfies and more photos.  I can’t help myself and snap a few shots too then sit back and enjoy the (relatively) mild Dubai weather and the music and laughter as well as the general bliss of having nothing to do.

Beach – just getting warmed up

I did bring a couple of magazines and had anticipated laying back and reading for a bit, as I would normally do at the beach or by the pool when the opportunity presents itself.  There is certainly opportunity but I can’t bring myself to tear my eyes away from the fascinating crowd.

We down a couple more g&ts over the course of the afternoon and the music gets louder, the pool gets fuller and the scene is both relaxed and electric.  Groups mingle, singles (and some not-so-singles) flirt and everyone is here to have a good time.

Let’s get this party started!

As the sun starts to set, I feel like I’m just getting warmed up but am gently reminded, as I’m nudged towards the taxi queue that it’s time to go home, relieve the babysitter and put the kids to bed.

I might not be too far behind them.

Would I Return?

Yes! This much fun in one afternoon is hard to come by. Zero Gravity delivers.

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