Frolicking in the surf on Kurrawa Beach it’s hard to take this sparkling May day for granted. I know that soon, Queensland’s long summer will give way to chilly nights and cooler days but for now, winter still seems out of sight.
It’s Mother’s Day and I’ve already had my cup of tea, home made cards, lovely presents and beautiful boys jumping all over me in bed this morning. All a mum could want on Mother’s Day. However, it’s not all about me and we pack up the car to go and visit my mother-in-law on the Gold Coast. It’s not really about her either as we head to the park for a picnic and play.
My husband has packed us a few treats and we’ve picked up some Le Bon Choix pastries on the way. He pulls out some surprise pink champagne for us while the boys munch on sandwiches and fruit and then take themselves back to play with their new found friends.

After my champagne and pastries I duck off to the beach for a solo swim, something that doesn’t happen too much any more. The day is bright and locals and tourists alike are out on the beach, enjoying the sun. There are lots of families and I get the feeling that a few dads have been sent out of the house with the kids for the morning!

A bit later I’m joined by the family. We set up just near the flags and chase the kids around for a bit, splashing and playing tag.

There are people playing cricket, frisbee and ball games. Others are running on the beach, walking dogs, or just strolling themselves. There are dads digging sandcastles with more sand on the children than the castles seem to have. Many more are content to chase and play in the waves. Everyone is smiling.

I go for a stroll and kick the waves, knowing that when we leave, the kids will be exhausted and it should be a quiet trip home. There’s not many days that are better than this and I wonder if we can fit another one in before the weather turns.

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